Blondy Violet joined “The Flab Whiskers” burlesque team last 8th March in occasion of THE WOMAN’S DAY for the benefit show to support The Woman Justice Centre (CENTRO DONNA GIUSTIZIA) in Ferrarra. This association helps abused women inside their home, from husband or whoever relative; and raped ones outside their own family.
The hashtag #mispoglioperchevoglio was a success and it became viral before, during and just after the show: it’s been our way to highlight woman rights to decide for herself about her own private life and sexuality.
The night was sold out @ Circolo Arci Bolognesi and the show was a blast: so many different performance styles but all of them with a strong self-awareness about how our body is sacred, beautiful and a way to express our own soul…whatever the shape it has. If you wanna have an idea have a look at the section “Paparazzi” here my picture by the mighty Andrea Parisi
At the end of the night around 200.00 € has been fundraised for Centro Donna Giustizia: the purpose of the night was right to help this precious association to keep going to help women in needs. So, We made it!! That’s what made us very excited and happy about what we have done for such a proactive and dynamic group of women who spend days to help other women to reach a better life.
And…here all the pictures of night by Andrea Parisi.
See you soon for the next project!!
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